Sunday, December 6, 2009

The research of TRINITY IN THE BOOK OF GENESIS -2 YouTube - Hindi Christian Songs- Ibathatdat Karo The Arabic Translation

                 Thirdly :- The Activity of The Trinity in The Book of Genesis
1-The Father , The source of The Creation and The Covenant.
           God as he is the creator ,He ordered the living creatures to increase due to the creating systems which He has created in them ,the plants in Genesis 1:11 ,the animals in Genesis1:22  and the man in Genesis1: 28 .
           So we find the expressions like "whose seed is in itself " , "Be fruitful , and multiply , and replenish the earth " , these expressions assured that He does not  only created them during the first six days of the modern earth  ,but He is also has a continuous task as a creator due to His will , so He is the source of the creation forever and ever in the past , in the present and in the future also . 
            Abraham knew that God is the source of the creation  so,he asked him to give him a son , he knew surely that God would not create his son out of his wife's body as the creation of the first man , Adam,because if God did that , the new creature would not be his son , but a new person ,he had a faith that God is the Master ,who is able to direct and activate , what He has created in his body and in his wife's body to enable them to bear a son .
          The idea of Jacob about conceiving the sheep in order to increase his share in the sheep of his uncle(Genesis 30:38,39 ) was common at his days as a folkloric information , it reflects Jacob's faith that God has saved and kept , in these creatures the different hereditary ,that gave him the hope to succeed in his trick ,the scientific argument about the idea of conceiving the pregnant ,did not find a scientific explanation until now ,because of which they have called the Random Selection of the hereditary , so none of the scientists can prophesy accurately 100% about the hereditary election or selection for the new born offspring, it has  secret divinely elements directed its behavior .
          It assured to us that this ability has been created by God inside the creatures and He has kept for himself the power of directing it as He is the source or the Father who is the real creator of the plants , animals , and the man .
         Some people claims their need for human mediators or intercessors used  the sentence which has been said by God and the fathers as an evidence for the necessity of intercessors ,it was said by God in Genesis 28:13 " the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isac", it was said also by Jacob in Genesis 32 : 9 "God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isac" ,these traditional people think that God's response is due to the human  sake , but in fact as it is obvious it assured that the relationship between God and the new generations is continuous as it was in the days of the fathers due to God's covenant so God in the book of Genesis would not stop his gifts as he gave it , in the past , to those dead people because He is The continuous source of gifts forever and ever ,none of those people had a privilege to create a new  borne creatures , but in the book of Genesis the fathers sought God as the source of life, who has created it inside the bodies and directed it also ,He fixed the date of bearing Isac in spite of he had created that system inside Abraham and Sarai .
               Jacob left his father and departed to his uncle Laban,for 20 years of alienation as a stranger (Genesis31:38 ),but God was with him instead of his father , God The Father who is the source of the real active help was existed with him ,who possessed all the means to prove his promises ,who sent the angel of the covenant ,or the second person of the trinity , who was the mediator face of God before the mankind ,He wrestle him in Luz or Peniel and blessed him .
                   The Father was the first Major Member and the real owner and party in every covenant between him and his people , in the covenant between God and Adam ,the sacrifice and the Cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life in Genesis 3:8-24 were the sign of that covenant , The rainbow  in Genesis 9:9-17 was the sign of the covenant between God and Noah , but the sacrifice and circumcise , the birth of Isac and effective protection from God to Abraham 's son Isac and his offspring were the signs of the covenant between Abraham and God ( Genesis 15:9 ,17: 10 ,16,21 ) ,Jacob's covenant with God has also a sign ,it was touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shrank (Genesis 32:22-32) ,These signs were obvious clues , to prove the unseen relationship between the man and the unseen God ,or the Father who is the real owner of the covenant .
                 The relationship between the people and God the son were active and clear , while the relationship between them and God the Father were not observed unless it has the sign of a covenant or through his accepting to the sacrifices or by his secret spiritual activity inside the fathers souls , so He accepted the sacrifice of Abel ,Noah ,Abram , Isac, Jacob in the book of Genesis.
                  During the life of Abraham there were two important sacrifices ,The First one was when he offered heifer of three years old ,and a she goat of three years old and a ram  of three years old , and a turtledove , and a young pigeon (Genesis 15) it was the sacrifice of the covenant and it was important because the conversation which was happened inside the heart of Abraham between him and God , it was about the promises of God to the seed and the offspring of Abraham in future ( verses 13- 16 ) ,The smoking furnace and the burning lamp that passed between the place of the offering . So Abraham was sure of the clear voice of God inside his heart and mind , The signs were concrete phenomena to assure the contents of the conversation and the real presence of God ,The Source . 
                 The second important sacrifice was when God ordered Abraham to offer his son as a sacrifice in Genesis 22: 15 - 18 because God used his special face as a mediator or the angel of the covenant .
                  At last we assure that these sacrifices were offered to the unseen God The God who is the source , The Father .
leave a comment .                                                        Rev. Joseph.


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